We should be thankful for our First Amendment: free speech isn’t so free outside the United States. Check out my latest article at The Federalist.
civil rights
No, Trump did not put guns in the hands of madmen
StandardHave you seen the meme circulating lately that Trump and the GOP repealed laws that kept guns away from mentally disturbed people? I wrote about why that is a pack of lies. Read about it today at The Federalist.
Limited government, limited power
StandardPapers, please
StandardToday at National Review Online, I wrote about internal checkpoints and how excessive efforts to stop illegal immigration have infringed on citizens’ rights.
Palin v. The Media
StandardToday at The Federalist, I wrote about Sarah Palin’s defamation suit against the New York Times and why it should go to trial.
Trinity Lutheran
StandardToday at The Federalist, I wrote about the religious liberty case handed down by the Supreme Court yesterday.
Sessions’s New Drug War
StandardI wrote about Jeff Sessions’s old-school approach to drug crime and the problems it entails. Check it out at The Federalist.
Citizens United: Does it matter?
StandardToday at The Federalist, I wrote about the effect of the Citizens United decision in the 2016 elections. Despite the doomsaying from the left, the best fundraising candidates lost, in primaries and the general.
Nullify or Not?
StandardI wrote about the verdict in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupation for The Federalist. Was it jury nullification or something else?
StandardAlso today, at The Federalist, I wrote about the threat to free speech that arises when the government forces you to say something.