I rounded up the best tweets of last night’s Republican debate for The Federalist.
Published elsewhere
What is Trump hiding?
StandardI wrote a pre-debate piece about Donald Trump today in The Federalist.
Book review
StandardI reviewed Irwin F. Gellman’s The President and the Apprentice: Eisenhower and Nixon, 1952-1961 for The Federalist. Check it out!
StandardI wrote about Zika and DDT in this article in The Federalist.
Iowa Showdown
StandardI collected the best tweets of last night’s GOP debate in Iowa in this article at The Federalist.
Objectivist House Hunters
StandardI wrote this piece at McSweeney’s, imagining an episode of House Hunters with Ayn Rand as the realtor.
Ben and Jerry and Bernie
StandardI wrote about Bernie Sanders, campaign finance, and delicious ice cream today at The Federalist.
Republicans do the Charleston
StandardI collected the best tweets of Thursday’s Republican debate in this article on The Federalist.
Censorship and Citizens United
StandardI wrote about censorship and elections at The Federalist.
Leftists and Liberals
StandardI wrote this article for The Federalist on liberals, leftists, and the difference between them.