Asking hard questions of nominees is sound politics, not racism: my latest at The Federalist.
Aloha, for some
StandardToday at Arc Digital, I wrote about gay wedding cakes, discriminatory Hawaiian hotels, and the law.
The 51st state
StandardToday at National Review, I wrote about the conservative case for Puerto Rican statehood.
Jocks v. Nerds
StandardMy latest at The Federalist: like it or not, the American electorate almost always prefers jocks to nerds.
New ballgame
StandardToday I wrote for The Federalist about the good and bad in baseball’s proposed ruled changes. It’s mostly bad.
From the cradle
StandardAlso today, I wrote at The Federalist about why the Republicans’ maternity leave plan is a good idea.
Originally Speaking
StandardToday at National Review, I reviewed Ilan Wurman’s book, A Debt Against the Living: An Introduction to Originalism.
Backdoor Amendments
StandardThe National Popular Interstate Vote Compact is dishonest, unconstitutional, and just a bad idea: my latest at The Federalist.
Fortune Magazine is Full of Crap
StandardToday at The Federalist, I wrote about a new environmental myth that’s spreading based on faulty math.
Civil Forfeiture in retreat
StandardToday at The Federalist, I examined last week’s decision about the Eighth Amendment and civil forfeiture.