Tom Brady continues to be the worst


Last week, I wrote about Tom Brady trying to trademark Tom Seaver’s nickname. This week, we find that he is even shadier than that. According to court filings discovered by NBC Sports, Brady’s TB12 foundation is suing a professional lacrosse player, Trevor Baptiste. Baptiste’s crime, in Brady’s eyes, was to have the same initials as him.

The Atlas Lacrosse Club midfielder used the mark “TB9” on his own equipment and in marketing. Like Brady, he used his own initials and uniform number as a shorthand for himself. TB12, Inc. sued Baptiste, claiming the mark will cause consumer confusion. Baptiste, faced with the high-priced lawyers marshaled by the New England superstar, was forced to comply.

The message: only Tom Brady is allowed to have the initials TB. Look out Terry Bradshaw, Brady will be coming for you next!